What is OJJDP?
Go to http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/ojstatbb/offenders/overview.html
Locate a statistic at that site that is of interest to you.
Write a paragraph below explaining the statistic and what surprised you by that statistic.
Go to http://ojjdp.ncjrs.org/ojstatbb/offenders/overview.html
when locating a statistic on the web site i found NIBRS hate crimes (1995-2000) juvenile victims and offenders. then i went on to weapons used by age of offenders, only to find the most popular weapon that offenders use to committe a crime. and based on different cases we may think that the most popular weapon would be a hand gun.but the thing that surprises me is that the most popular weapon used from age 18-40 is stated to be the personal weapon such as hands, feet, teeth, and etc. in addtion between 1995 and 2000 info. on 7,566 bais crimes were submitted to FBI via NIBRS
On the website ojjdp.ncjrs.org/ojstatbb/offenders/overview.html I found that 29 million children were victims of child maltreatment in the year 2003 reported by child protective services. The age which maltreatment is high are the ages from 0-3. The majority of these children who were victims are females. The one type of maltreatment that was reported the most was neglect(61%) and the next highest was physical abuse(19%). What surprised me the most is that white children were the majority of the victims that were being mistreated (54%). There were 26% of black children who were victims of maltreatment during the year of 2003. This statistic caught my attention because I did not know that so many children were even victims of child maltreatment whether they were black, white or any other ethnicity.
When I looked at the Statistical Breifing Book website, I was very suprised by the amount of juvenile offenders who commited a homicide with a firearm between the years 1984-1994. There were four times as many homicides involving firearms in 1994, than there was in 1984. Suprisingly, the amount of homicides from firearms significantly decreased from 1994-2002. Now, when I watch the news or read the newspaper there are more and more juveniles who commit or attempt to commit homicides using firearms. I find it really crazy how several juvenile offences are not reported. Due to unsufficient amount of information, the true statistics are not accuratelly calculated. By allowing children to get away with crime gives them the opportunity to do it again as adults. They need to be taught the consequences of their actions when they are still young, but should be given a second chance for positive change and development.
Despite the fact that most of these statistics are agreed upon based on some personal experiences, the statistic that stood out to me the most was the one comparing homicides based on gender and age. Even though the factors are about four years outdated, I still found it surprising that the homicide rate was almost equal. It is somewhat puzzling to understand this factor. I always felt that the males would have a greater increase because of the reputation they may carry. In contrast, the female could also have a reputation as well, just by association. I was also taken aback by the ages from the years 1980-2002. The statistic stated that from these years, the homicide rate were comparitive to both males and females under age 13. It is definetly a misconception on my behalf, only because I never thought these teenagers would be so young as victims. During those same years, about 84% of 17 year old males were also homicide victims of murder. The statistic previously stated is about 8700 males in comparison to 1700 females. The large amount in difference explains my reasons as to why I was appalled by the information given. If these numbers were high four years ago, I cannot even imagine the number of murders in the year 2006. To take it a step further, what about in the cities, such as Philadelphia?
Statistic showed what type of gun juveniles usually committ murder with, the time of day the crime most likely occure.Statistic also explained custody data and custody rates by race.On October 22,2003 in Pennsylvania a number of non-hispanic blacks, non-hispanic whites and hispanics all was in a residential facilities.I was surprise at the number of juveniles in the facilities.I was also surprise that in 2002 juveniles were involved in an estimated 1,300 murders in the U.S.
Juveniles as offenders
A lot of juvenile delinquent have been committed a lot of crime for a long time, but arrest statistic didn't report every crime they did. In addition, many adolescent offenses committed a lot of crime continue to grow instead of arrest them. Furtheremore, National Longitudinal survey of youth ( NLYS), the National crime victimization survey (NCVS), the National incident-Based Reporting system (NIBRS), and the Uniform crime reports (UCR), and supplementary Homicide reports (SHR) all serve to provide important insights in to the types of offenses committed by youth and the prevalance of such offenses. To sump up, my suprise to that statistic is Juvenile have been committed a lot of crime, but the statistic did not report all of them
I located the site for Juvenile Court Statistics (2000) which keeps track of juvenile cases that make it to the juvenile court. This statistics includes cases received by the court and their responses. It also looks at the differences of race and gender and shows the nature and trends of juveniles and the crimes they commit. I clicked on the Related FAQ’s link to find more information on how cases end up in juvenile court. I found out that the largest amount of delinquency cases are referred to the juvenile courts by law enforcements. Other agencies that may refer cases to the court are schools, social services, parents, probation officers and victims. I was surprised by two things: One being that more than 50% of delinquency cases received by the juvenile courts are crimes that were committed by 15 years olds or younger. I was also surprised to learn that only 40% of these crimes involved drugs.
What is OJJDP?
According to the web, http://ojjdp.ncjrs. ord/ ojstatbb/offendenders/overview.html, what interest me is the decreaseed of juvenile violent crime since 1994 compare to the 1970s. Unfortunately, the female juvienile violent crime seems to escalate. What surprise me is that, if the decrease of juvenile violent is progressing , how are more teens in detention , on the street corners, or geting kill every day in the streets of Philadelphia?
For personal reasons, my interest was geared towards Juvenile Reentry and After Care. Aftercare can be defined as reintegrative services that prepare out-of-home placed juveniles for reentry into the community by establishing the necessary collaborative arrangements with the community to ensure the delivery of prescribed services and supervision. I learned that the number of cases resulting in out of home placement has increased in recent years rising 51 percent nationally from 105,600 in 1987 to 159,400 in 1996 ( McKenzie 1999). I can assume that these statistics are currently higher meaning that there are more juveniles in the system and that the development and or firm execution of preventive services are crucial to the juveniles. Most of these offenders are released back home but the question still remains: What kind of preventive services should the offender receive once they come home and how effective are they.
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