Juvenile Justice Summer 1, 2006

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Measuring Delinquency

After reading the section in the text in chapter 2 about the two basic methods of measuring delinquency, explain in your own words what these two measures are and how they work.


At 11:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The idea of measuring delinquency is often contrasted by two important factors: official statistics and self reported delinquency. It is evident that the first factor has a numerical approach. Each year the FBI recieves statistics from the Uniform Crime Report(UCR). (Part 1)

At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The two basic methods of measuring delinquency are Official Statistics and Self-Reported Delinquecy. Official Statistics is a quantitative method of measuring delinquency, which numerical statistics from the Uniformed Crime Report are used. Self-Reported Delinquency is a qualitatative method of measuring delinquency, which surveys, and questionaires are used to measure delinquency.

At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Measuring delinquency in todays society has different avenues. There is the U.C.R. which is the Uniform Crime Report. It is a report from the F.b.I. The reports tell about the many different crimes and how many the are reported.The U.C.R. also gives imformation about the Self Reported Data and the Dark Figures of Crime and Victim Data. The N.I.B.R.S. which is the National Incident Base Reporting System is a new system. This account is to show who was asaulted,what was the victims name. It also want the report to tell the offenders name. This report is a little more precise with its data.

At 12:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the two basic methods of measuring delinquency would be official delinquency and self-report data. official delinquency deals with the crime rate of juveniles, juvenile crime trends and the UCR data, which is data records from the police. the only prolblem is that not all victimless crimes are counted using this measure.

At 12:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The two methods are Official Statistics and Self reported delinguency

Official Deliquency is represented by the actual number of juvenile arrest reported by the police.

At 12:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the text there are two methods for measuring juvenile delinquency which are Official Delinquency, and Self- Reported Data. Official delinquency is based on statistics of juveniles that committ part I and Part II crimes as well as minor crimes and it is recorded by the UCR (Uniform Crime Report). The self- reported data is a survey that is given to help determine those who committed crimes which is given from one on one interviews and by anonymous questionaires .
These two methods for measuring crime help the community and the police to help control the amount of crime committed by the juveniles and others.

At 2:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

*the anonymous blog was mines please disregard*
The two methods of measuring delinquency are:
1) Official delinquency
Official delnquency is represented by the actual number of juvenile arrest that are reported. The FBI then puts together a report called the Uniform Crime Report (aka UCR).This report only includes cases where the juveniles were actually arrested. If the juvenile commited multiple crimes only the most serious crime is included in the report. Because this reports only include actual arrest, the numbers given on the report do not represent the entire number of adolescent crimes, nor the number of arrest equal the number of people arrested.

2) Self reported delinguency

Self reported delinquency is collected in a number of ways. One on one interviews done in the the youths home, surveys & questionnaires distributed throughout schools or detention centers, random selections and in some cases youths are interviewed when arrested. The questions on these reports are not limited to only asking about their offense but they also ask about their activities, homelife, social life, and personalities to just name a few. Although this technique has been used for more than 40 years, it is still considered one of the best ways to gain information, yet at the same time the validity of these reports are sometimes questioned.

At 4:17 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the second part to my blog is that self reports deals with qestionaires and survey that subject juveniles to tell their violations of the law.as stated in the text this method provides info. about offenders who have been arrested so therefore it doesn't give you info. on the crimes committed by offerders who weren't arrested

At 4:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1) Disaggregate is understanding the corralation between two or more independent variables. An example,of independent variable would be murder conviction and death sentence at the same time the influence of dependent variables is control by the researcher. An example, of a dependent variable is race.

2) Self- reported - survey reports that technique that asks subject to indicate their own activity offenses or criminal acts.

3) The way they work people who measure crime can use disaggregated to measure crime, but is not in exact number. Even though arrest data is approximate, it does not change over time so the data can tell us about the adolescent crime. Furthermore, the self- report give information about the adolescent criminal that police didn't catch.

At 9:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The two basic methods of measuring delinquency in the United States are the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and the Self –Report data. The FBI is responsible for compiling and gathering the information for the UCR. The UCR consists of crimes known and reported to police (crimes against person: homicide, forcible rape, robbery, aggravated assault and crimes against property: Burglary, larceny, auto theft, arson). Self-Report data provides information about crimes committed but not included in the UCR because an arrest was not executed. This information is acquired by form of questionnaires and surveys.

At 10:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The two methods of measuring delinquency are official delinquency (that which is when a juvenile arest is made by the local police due to the collection of crime reported), and Self-repoted delinquency( is a one to one interview between an adolescence and a law enforcer). This interview is done of anonymous questionnaires.
Official delinquency and Self-reported delinquency worked together through an official statistics (are official data of criminal incident reported) which is used to estasblish the foundation of any adolescence investigation.

At 12:20 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

(Part 2) The report basically uses three steps in completion. The steps consists of the number of arrests made by police, crime rates, and the changes in the crimes rates over time in completion. Contrasting the first, the second method uses reports instead of numbers. They are used for informing issues about the violations of the law. In addition, they are usually obtained through interviews and questionnaires. Despite the fact that each method disagree with each other in theory, they are still in comparision to each other as far as dealing with delinquents.

At 7:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The two basic methods of measuring delinquency are Official Data and Self-Report Data. There measuring is to collect report of juvenile crimes. Official Data are based on incidents reported to the police departments. The UCR (Uniform Crime Report) records two things number of crimes and major offenses (rape, murder etc.).
Self-Report Data is reported from anonymous people. Self-Report Data is focus on criminal acts that was not report or was not really serious.
A recent system add was NIBRS National Incident -Based Reporting System. NIBRS is a new program that collects data on crimes that is reported.


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